Sabado, Marso 3, 2012

                             Kublai Mellan’s collection

          In the place of our venue, I found out, that some of the collection of Kublai mellan is paintings, sculpture, photos and etc. examples of his collection are abstract paintings, face using nails, melted plastic, and waste material and etc.
          The concept of the artist is to make himself popular in the field of art and to enhance people that we can do art without using expensive things, because some of his works are made up of waste material, so I can say that we can do artifacts with the use of waste material.
         The visual element that you can see in the sculpture, paintings, etc. are lines, colors, etc.example of lines are vertical horizontal, diagonal, curve and etc. colors are black, green, yellow, red, violet and other colors.
         The collections of Kublai Mellan’s is varied to one another, they are different in terms of colors and formations, but usually, some of his works are abstract.
         I found out that some of his collection is made up of waste material, I don’t know what  is he trying to project, but the only thing I learned is we can make artifacts using those waste material.

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